I’ve been hearing a lot about bathrooms lately. With the
passing of the controversial and, in my opinion, horrible new bathroom law in
North Carolina, it seems that social media and news outlets are absolutely inundated
with all things lavatory. Now, I know this isn't about bathroom, any more than
the sit-ins and marginalization of years past was about lunch counters or bus
seats or drinking fountains. But, there is a lot of the movement that focuses on
practicality, so that’s where I stand as well.
Because see, I know a little about bathrooms. Don’t get me
wrong, I am cisgender. I don’t have worry
about getting kicked out of a McDonald’s. I don’t’ worry about getting
physically assaulted. But the strange looks, the anxiety, the fear that can
sometimes accompany a trip to a public restroom? Yeah, I know about those.
You see, I’m a mom. I’m a mom of four young kids who has
spent the past decade doing the largest bulk of our shopping or fun trips by
myself. Not all of my children are the same gender as myself, and while they
are young, they are above preschool age. Two of them have special needs which
means one still needs occasional assistance in the bathroom and the other did
until he was, especially being large for his age, “too big” to go into the
ladies’ room. This, for those who are uninitiated, leads to a variety of
Or, let’s say you have the misfortune to have a miscarriage
in a grocery store, like what happened to me. Or even just a tummy bug, since
that’s likely more relateable. You’re going to be in that bathroom for a while.
Do you take your older kids in with you? Or leave them outside the door for
maybe 15 minutes? You decide to take them in. There, you bump into a very
helpful little old lady or employee who informs you that you can’t have them in
there. So they go out. And then you’re trying to deal with a situation that can’t
be rushed at about the speed of sound.
Or let’s say you have a physically different child. She
needs help. So you take her to the ladies’ room. But your boys are older. But
it’s a busy day at the zoo. What do you do?
No, I don’t know what it’s like to be assaulted. I don’t
know what it’s like to be kicked out of a place. But I know that children can
be abducted. I know that sexual assaults can happen in a bathroom (I’M NOT
THIS). I know what it’s like to not know what to do, to fear bathroom stops, to
get looks or comments. To be embarrassed. I know how inconvenient and
irritating and sometimes necessary planning your day around a place with a
family or unisex bathroom can be. I’ve been dealing with it for years.
So, here’s what I propose. First of all, the door gaps. Let’s
just get rid of those altogether. They’re ridiculous. It can’t be that hard to
create a private space that is actually private. Urinals? Let’s get rid of
those as well. Or put a bunch inside one giant stall. Then make bathrooms giant
and unisex. All of them. Maybe with a couple of big stalls for families.
Because really, do you need two walls of separation from anyone of another
gender? I don’t think you do. We are, after all, eliminating our bladder and
bowels in there. See? Easy. And while it doesn’t have the added benefit of
providing validation for an under served group, this solution would make life
easier for another under served group, exasperated, exhausted moms. Everyone’s
After all, we all just want to pee.
Thank you for speaking out. I'll admit that my trips are also planned around bathrooms, but that's because I have a bladder the size of a peanut. Every child in tow adds exponentially to the difficulties and anxieties of the lavatory logistics, and every special need multiplies them. Because of this post, I'll be more mindful of moms with children in that weird public/private space that is The Ladies' Room.